Dispose of Rubble in Frankfurt

Dispose of Rubble in Frankfurt

Germany is famous for its sophisticated trash separation schemes. In fact, most residents have four different bins in the backyard! The collection dates can be found on the waste calendar (Abfallkalender) in the mailbox or online. The smallest trash can – which I have nicknamed’rest of the trash’ – is reserved for items that cannot be recycled.Learn more :https://www.containerblitzfrankfurt.de

The residual waste bin with the grey lid can be thrown all household garbage in, except for items that belong to special categories for which other rules apply like toxic or electronic rubbish. These can be taken to a special rubbish dump called a ‘Wertstoffhof’ (waste recycling plant) personally or FES will collect it for you.

Container Rental Services for Rubble Disposal in Frankfurt

Empty reusable glass and metal containers, as well as empty pure PE packaging can be dropped off at the bridge-properties in designer bins called Renomats. This way, these can be sorted, disinfected and returned to the product manufacturers as part of a deposit system. The same applies for paper waste and organic waste. This makes it easier to avoid large stores of deposit containers behind kitchen doors and on shelves, which are then forgotten about when the next shop trip comes around.

Bulky waste includes everything that is movable but too big, heavy or bulky to fit into the residual waste bin. This could be door leaves, floor coverings or a bathtub. Also, mineral wool can be disposed of as bulky waste if it has the RAL quality mark. Otherwise, it must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

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